


Circulation Policies

Circulation Policies



Books 21 Days
DVDs (Fiction) 7 Days
DVDs (Non-Fiction) 21 Days
Audio (CDs, LPs, & Playaways) 21 Days
Periodicals (Current Issue) Does Not Circulate
Periodicals (Past Issues) 21 Days
Reference Does Not Circulate
LI LINK Books 21 Days
LI LINK Media 7 Days


Education Resource Center MCPL and ERC only, 21 Days
Game Collection MCPL only, 7 Days, max 2 per card
J Backpacks MCPL and ERC only, 21 Days
J Kits MCPL and ERC only, 7 Days, Max 2 per card
Library of Things – Educational MCPL and ERC only, 7 Days, Max 2 per card
Library of Things – Technology MCPL only, 14 Days, Max 2 per card
Museum Passes MCPL only, 2 Days
Toys MCPL and ERC only, 21 Days, Max 3 per card
Video Games MCPL only, 7 Days


The library reserves the right to limit the number of items borrowed.
The library reserves the right to change the standard loan period at any time.


Extended Use Fees
All materials except as otherwise noted Fine Free
Library of Things Educational & Technology $10.00 first day late
Museum Passes $10.00 first day late
Game Collection $10.00 first day late
Interloaned Materials
Fees for ILL materials are based on the lending library’s circulation policy.
Damaged and Lost Materials
Replacement costs will be charged to the patron for any item that is lost or returned damaged and beyond repair. These charges will be recorded on the patron record.
Returned Check Fee
If a check has been made out to Middle Country Public Library and is returned for insufficient funds, the amount of the check and any bank fees incurred by the library will be charged to the patron and recorded on the patron record.


Patrons who are unable to leave their homes due to a permanent or temporary illness or disability may qualify for Homebound Service.


The library reserves the right to temporarily suspend library privileges when an item is overdue in excess of 20 days, or the extended use fees exceed $10.00, or charges for lost or damaged materials are not paid. Library privileges will be reinstated when resolution of the problem occurs.
In the event that a patron disagrees with the decision of the customer service supervisor, a request for reconsideration may be submitted to the Library Director. If the patron disagrees with this determination, an appeal may be directed to the Library Board of Trustees.

Adopted November 20, 1991 by the Board of Trustees of the Middle Country Public Library
Revised May 18, 1994, May 19, 2004, November 16, 2005, October 15, 2008, June 16, 2010, December 19, 2018, September 18, 2019, August 21, 2024.

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