


About MCPL

News & Recognition

Sharing Our Stories: An Intergenerational Oral History Project

We are pleased to announce the Kline Family Foundation has awarded the Middle Country Library Foundation a $22,000 grant to support “Sharing Our Stories: An Intergenerational Oral History Project,” an initiative bringing senior citizens and teens in the Middle Country community together to bridge the generation gap and strengthen connections among community members. As part of this unique project, the MCPL Media Teens group will interview and film seniors from the local community about their life experiences for a special documentary film produced at the library.

MCPL is looking for seniors from the local community who are interested in sharing their notable stories and memories on camera in the spring of 2019; those interested in being interviewed may fill out an application available at any reference desk or contact Jim Ward at 631-585-9393 ext. 273. For more information about joining the MCPL Media Teens, please see page 13 of our Winter 2018-19 newsletter.