

MCCSD Teacher’s Library Card

The Middle Country Public Library offers teachers currently employed in the Middle Country Central School District to apply for a Teacher’s card. Once you have a library card you may access online resources and check out books and media collections at both the Centereach and Selden locations. Teacher cards need to be renewed each year and do not provide access to library programs.

To apply for a card, please bring the following items to the library:

  • A current school photo ID
  • A current pay stub
  • A valid home library card

Arrange a Class Visit to the Library

In addition to providing materials, online resources and programs for students, the Library welcomes class visits from all grades in the Middle Country Central School District. Visits are geared towards the needs of your students and can include a variety of activities from library orientation and story times, to research sessions related to class projects.

Arrange a Class Visit

Homework Alert

Library staff is ready to help you and your students. Please use the Homework Alert form to facilitate easy communication.

Please take a few minutes to complete and sent an alert to us as you prepare to assign projects to your students. This form can be submitted online or printed and faxed to the library at 631-585-5035. You may also drop this form off at a Youth Services desk at the library. It would be extremely helpful if you could give us a minimum of two weeks’ notice to collect and prepare the materials you request.

We can provide:
Book Lists: We can create a book list on a non-fiction subject or fiction genre for your class. We will then create a display of books for your students to use in our library or to check out. Examples: historical fiction; weather; dinosaurs.

Internet Resource Lists: Let us create a list of age-appropriate websites on a subject for your students. Examples: endangered species; science projects; Greek and Roman mythology.

Topic Guides: We will provide you with a guide for your students to help them through their research of a certain topic. Resources may include books, articles, websites, and more. Examples: human body; ancient civilizations; aquatic animals.

Homework alert form

BrainFuse Live Homework Help

Brainfuse is a free resource that allows your students to work one-on-one with online tutors. They can draw or type their question in the online classroom and receive live homework assistance from a Brainfuse-certified tutor. Tutors are trained to not only provide answers but to help your students master the homework assignment’s underlying academic concepts. Subjects include:

  • Math, including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus
  • Science, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Science
  • Social Studies, including US History, and World History
  • English/Language Arts
  • Writing Assistance
  • Reading Comprehension/Grammar/Vocabulary Skills Building
  • English Literature
  • Spanish Language Help

Live academic assistance is available from Mon – Sun 2:00 PM — 11:00 PM EST. Tutoring is available in Spanish as well. Get Help Now! (not available on some holidays.) You will need to have a valid Suffolk County library card to use this resource. Click HERE to go to Brainfuse now!