
Teacher’s Databases

  Title/ Description Availability


Scholastic BookFlix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic to build a love of reading and learning. This engaging resource will help early readers develop and practice essential reading skills.


The Educational Resource Information Center contains more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 980 educational and education-related journals.

Fiero Code

Learn the basics of coding! (Formerly Prenda Code Club)


The platform now provides over 3000+ digital picture books in 65+ World Languages, including English translations.

Muzzy Online

In Spanish, French, English, German and Italian, MUZZY Online is a comprehensive, interactive and fun way for kids to learn a second language.

New York State Regents Exams

A database of NYS Regents Exams in PDF format, some going back as far as 1957.

NoveList K-8

What should I read next?! That can be a really tough question! Log into Novelist K-8 to browse genres, see what's new, read professional reviews and find your next favorite book!

Poetry for Students

These volumes are designed specifically to meet the curricular needs of high school and undergraduate college students studying poetry. A quick but information-rich reference source, these books provide analysis of 16 poems per volume that teachers and librarians have identified as frequently studied in literature courses.

Teacher Reference Center

Teacher Reference Center provides many subjects for teachers needs, including: Assessment, Best Practices, Continuing Education, Current Pedagogical Research, Curriculum Development, Elementary Education, Higher Education, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Literacy Standards, School Administration, Science & Mathematics, Teacher Education.

Weston Woods Plus

A new digital platform that makes connecting children to their favorite stories easier than ever!