Meals and Refreshments Policy

Meals and Refreshments Policy


The Middle Country Public Library recognizes that it may be appropriate to provide meals and/or refreshments at Library meetings, programs and events, which are being held for an educational, cultural, civic and/or business purpose.  Examples of authorized expenditures include, but are not limited to: light refreshments for community/library meetings and programs for which refreshments enhance the purpose of the meeting; receptions for volunteers; Board or staff meetings at which Library business is conducted; meals provided as part of meetings with Library consultants; refreshments for staff recognition days (2 or 3 per year); annual planning meeting for full time staff; meals provided to a committee or working group whose responsibilities require working through the meal hour; and/or circumstances for which working through the meal hour is advantageous to the Library.  All grant-funded meetings, programs, trainings and events will adhere to the guidelines within this policy.

Whenever meals and/or refreshments are ordered, the person making the request must indicate the date and purpose of the meeting, program or event, and identify the group in attendance.  A purchase order, which includes food, delivery charges, paper goods and related supplies, will be generated prior to the program, event or meeting.  If for any reason no purchase order was generated, written approval from the Director prior to payment is required.  Supporting documentation must be attached to the purchase order or Director-approved payment form and submitted as part of the Library’s monthly warrant to the business office for the purposes of audit and possible reimbursement.

If petty cash is needed, the Director or his/her authorized representative, before reimbursement, must approve a petty cash slip.  Supporting documentation including receipts, etc. must be attached to the petty cash slip.  Cash tips are prohibited from reimbursement.

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