


About MCPL

Friends of MCPL


The Friends of the Middle Country Public Library (a.k.a. the Friends) is a non-sectarian, non-commercial organization [501(c) (3)] that was founded in 1994. The purpose of the Friends is threefold:

  1. To foster closer relations between the library and the community.
  2. To support the library’s functions, resources, services, needs.
  3. To encourage benefactions, gifts, endowments, and bequests to the Middle Country Public Library.

Funding for the Friends comes from book sales, an annual garage sale, and yearly membership dues. Additional funds have been raised in various ways including AmazonSmile and other fundraisers.  The Friends’ Scholarship annually supports two seniors from the Middle Country community that have dedicated many hours to volunteering at the library.

Since its inception, the Friends have supported the library in many different ways.  This year the Friends supported the following library programs:

  • Island Idol
  • Middle Country Reads
  • Mujeres Latinas
  • International Museum Day
  • Adult Summer Reading Club

State of the Friends
Friends Bylaws

How To

Become a Friend

Membership runs from January to December of each year.

The levels of membership are:

  1. Bronze for $5.00
  2. Silver for $10.00
  3. Gold for $25.00
  4. Platinum/Lifetime for $100.00
  5. Business and organization memberships are $25.00

There are two ways to join the Friends:

Printable Form

Online Membership

Friends of Middle Country Public Library Five Guys fundraiser. April 9, 2025 11:00 am - 10:00 pm at 202 Independence Plaza, Selden, NY 11784