Featured Adult Programs
Computer Classes @ MCPL
Brush up on your computer skills. From using MS Office to Social Networking, there is something for everyone! Due to the demand of some classes, patrons may have to share a computer. Patrons are welcome to bring their own laptops to class. Please check that your computer has the appropriate software. | Program details » >>
Brush up on your computer skills. From using MS Office to Social Networking, there is something for everyone! Due to the demand of some classes, patrons may have to share a computer. Patrons are welcome to bring their own laptops to class. Please check that your computer has the appropriate software. | Program details » >>
Library Services and Programs for Adults
The Middle Country Public Library Adult Services Department offers a wide range of programs and services. We welcome you to explore our diverse print and media collections, ranging from classic literature and films to the latest detective thrillers and romantic comedies. Our online resources, many of which are available from home as well as at the library, can help you find information on everything from car repair to nineteenth-century literature. Register for library programs on a variety of topics, including defensive driving, brushing up on your computer skills, or learning how to make interesting and artistic crafts. There’s something for everyone at the Middle Country Public Library!

The Middle Country Public Library, in conjunction with the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project, is collecting first-hand accounts of United States Veterans. The Project also includes first-hand recollections of U.S. citizens who professionally supported war efforts (such as war industry workers, USO workers, or medical volunteers). We are making these interviews available to the public so that their stories may be preserved for posterity. If you or someone you know is interested in being interviewed, please contact Jim Ward at 631-585-9393 ext. 273.