


About MCPL

News & Recognition

Let’s Eat!: Farm to Table

Be sure to check out the current Museum Corner exhibit, Let’s Eat!: Farm to Table. Visitors to this super fun and interactive exhibit will role-play harvesting vegetables and gathering eggs at the farm, shopping at the local farmers’ market and cooking healthy meals in the kitchen while learning about where food comes from and how it gets to our table. In addition to the exhibit, join us for special exhibit – related program offerings. Children in K-2nd grade may attend the Farm to Table Storycraft (J785). At Healthy Snacks for a Healthy You (J851/T975) youth in 3rd-5th grade and teens in 6th-12th grade will learn about and make healthy snacking options with a nutritionist from Cornell Cooperative Extension who will also be hosting a table about where food comes from at our International Museum Day event on May 16th, from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.