


Women’s EXPO

Women’s EXPO

Women's EXPO

What is the Women’s EXPO?

The Women’s EXPO is a showcase and a marketplace for Long Island women entrepreneurs: artisans, importers, designers and distributors of products such as jewelry, clothing, fine art, pottery and wood/metal/leather/glassware, children’s items, culturally diverse crafts, fiber art, specialty food items, gift baskets, household accessories, paper products and more. Our last in-person EXPO featured more than 80 exhibitors and over 2,500 attendees.

Where and When

The 20th Annual Women’s EXPO will be held in-person a from 11 AM – 6 PM on Thursday, October 5 2023.

Click here for more information and to access the EXPO website.


The goal of the EXPO is to provide a venue for women entrepreneurs on Long Island to market their products, serving as a vehicle to promote economic development as well as networking among women entrepreneurs and women in the business and not-for-profit world.

Presented By

The Women’s EXPO is presented by the Middle Country Library Foundation. The Foundation supports the library’s regional and national initiatives. For more that two decades, the library has been recognized for its leadership in developing community, business and professional coalitions and networks, and initiating collaborative projects which address the needs of individuals, families, organizations and businesses.

Planning Committee

The EXPO Planning Committee includes representatives from the MCL Foundation as well as a number of business support organizations, women’s organizations, educational and cultural institutions, LI business and corporate sponsors, independent business women, and the Library’s Miller Business Center.

Women’s EXPO Sponsors 2023

Sponsorship opportunities available. Please call 631-585-9393 x 296 for details.

How are exhibitors selected?

Participants submit an application, along with an application fee and pictures of their work. The EXPO Selection Committee reviews all applications, looking for a representative group that reflects a broad range of products that demonstrate quality, uniqueness, a range of prices and product types, and also showcases the wonderful diversity that has become part of Long Island. A diverse group of women entrepreneurs as well as a diverse product selection is definitely a goal of the EXPO.

Educational Support Beyond the EXPO

Beyond the EXPO, the EXPO Planning Committee organizes one or more educational workshops to build the business skills and capacities of participating women entrepreneurs and others. The women exhibitors are also connected with the expertise and resources available through the individuals and organizations represented on the Planning Committee.